Why Sinertech?
Our name comes from the union of two terms that we consider to be extremely representative of the corporate Vision: SINERgy and TECHnology.
SYNERGY is understood as a strategic union of different competencies and proactive collaboration with both the client and the operational partners.
TECHNOLOGY because we have high-tech technology resources, both at the production level and at the design level.
Determination, tenacity and specialist expertise have been the basis for making Sinertech craftsmanship an industry capable of looking to the future with growth and expansion goals.

“It’s the men’s getting together to do things, not the things tie them to them.”
The highest valorisation of internal skills, which is very considerable for professional experience and quality, is the basic element of business philosophy.

“Quality is to meet the needs of the customer and to overcome his expectations while continuing to improve.”
This element is considered strategic by Sinertech; quality is based on perfect knowledge of product realization, on continuous technological investments, on highly qualified staff and on collaborations with reliable and specialized partners.

Our designers, engineers and collaborators are men tied to a project, capable of engaging their aspirations by combining precious skills with large companies all over the world.
The organizational abilities, the solid network of skills matured over the years, the passion for our work allow us to be among the best executives and transformers of courtain walls, fixtures and special works.

Relationship with the customer
Whoever has chosen our company may have verified our seriousness, honesty and transparency.
Clear, transparent and detailed offers in every aspect; precise projects that are able to respect the best technological quality features; works carried out in compliance with planned deadlines guarantee the professionalism that is recognized to us.

The safety of people which are involved in the activity is managed by Sinertech with determination through the transfer of preventative culture to be part of the normal business management process. A process consisting of a number of moments of which training and awareness play a crucial role as conscious education that develops a way of perceiving the risks and managing them accordingly.
Product safety is guaranteed by the precise and constant monitoring, updating and adaptation of national and international regulations concerning the product; the tests executed on the samples are carried out by certified laboratories as well as by qualified personnel according to defined standards.

“It’s not just the product that needs to be safeguarded, but the relationships that it establishes with the complex of the environment and the place where it is built and installed”.
Certified according to standard 14001, the company demonstrates particular sensitivity to the theme of sustainability for reducing environmental impact as an opportunity to research both the efficiency of production facilities and better use of products and components in a perspective of recovery / recycling; in fact high attention is paid to waste management not only as a necessary attention to disposal but also as a recycling opportunity for pallet material to provide recovery companies.